
讃岐路殺人事件 (光文社文庫)

Asami Mitsuhiko's mother, Yukie lost her memory due to a car accident that happened on her way to Sikoku Sacred Ground. Yukie was brought back to Tokyo and regained her memory but the person who caused the accident, Ayana Kubo commited suicide by jumping from the Sedo Bridge. Asami started investigating the unexplainable suicide of Ayana. However, Ayana's brother, who held very important evidence of this case, was killed leaving a cryptic dying message "Urashima, Tarouno, Hoko ..."

Asami Mitsuhiko's mother, Yukie lost her memory due to a car accident that happened on her way to Sikoku Sacred Ground. Yukie was brought back to Tokyo and regained her memory but the person who caused the accident, Ayana Kubo commited suicide by jumping from the Sedo Bridge. Asami started investigating the unexplainable suicide of Ayana. However, Ayana's brother, who held very important evidence of this case, was killed leaving a cryptic dying message "Urashima, Tarouno, Hoko ..."


